Domain Name Registrations
Cheapest Domain Name Registrations - Free 2 Email Accounts, Free Email Forwarding, Free Domain Forwarding, Free DNS Management
Free 2 Email Accounts
Free Email Forwarding
Free Domain Forwarding
Free DNS Management
Lots of Free Services with every Domain Name
LOW COST Domain Name Extensions Available with us
Domain Names Registration/Renewal/Transfer Prices are subject to change without prior notice. Kindly contact us through email/phone to confirm the current pricing.
Free Services with LOWEST COST Domain Names
Get over ₹5000 worth of Free Services with every Domain you Register at Lowest Cost
2 Email Accounts
2 personalized Email Addresses such as [email protected] with free fraud, spam and virus protection and 100 MB Email Storage Space.
Email Forwarding
Create free email forwards and automatically redirect your email to existing email accounts.
Domain Forwarding
Point your domain name to another website for free! Redirect users when they type your domain name into a browser (with/without domain masking & SEO)
DNS Management
Free lifetime DNS service which allows you to manage your DNS records on our globally distributed and highly redundant DNS infrastructure.
Feature Rich Low Cost Domain Name Registration
Bulk Domain Registration
Register multiple domain names at one time.
Premium Domain Names
Buy catchy, popular Domain Names at premium prices.
Name Suggestion Tool
Use our name spinner for ideas on your ideal domain name.
Whois Lookup
Perform a Whois Lookup to see who has registered any Web address. If the Web address is available, you can register it through us
IDN Domain Registration
Book your internationalized domains here
Transfer Domain Name
Move in your existing Domains at lowest cost. The Domain Transfer Auth Code needs to be obtained from the current Registrar of the domain name that you wish to transfer.
Got Questions?
Terms & Conditions of Service represented as FAQ
Premium Domains are highly sought after domain names made up of important keywords and brand friendly words/phrases. They are usually privately owned and are sold at a much higher price than an ordinary domain name.
No. In most cases, Premium Domains renew at the regular price of that TLD.
Today, it’s hard for businesses and individuals to find domains that are both relevant and available. With over a hundred new domain extensions like .guru, .photography and .clothing being introduced, it will be much easier to find the right domain for your website.
When a new generic top-level domain (gTLD) extension launches, there’s a short period where domain names can not be registered by everyone, but only by those who have a trademark for the term they wish to register. This ensures that trademark holders can secure their names and safeguard them against malicious registrations. The Sunrise period for a new TLD lasts from 30 to 60 days, after which all names in that TLD are available for anyone to register.
Typically, Premium Domains are short, popular names that contain important keywords/keyphrases and hence command a higher value. Since they have been registered previously, they are well-established and boast of a higher page rank on the search engines. Hence, because they are well-geared to attract more traffic, they come at a higher price which is reflective of their value.
After you complete the purchase of a Premium Domain with us, we will proceed to complete the transfer of ownership. This may take upto 5-7 days. A confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address as soon as ownership of the domain has been transferred to your account. You can then proceed to manage the domain as you would manage a regular domain name.
IDN are domain names that are written in foreign languages, like Chinese, Japanese or Russian. IDN stands for Internationalized Domain Names. IDN domain names allow people from all over the world to communicate websites, domain names and URLs in their native languages.
Most domain names registered to date are written using the 26-character Latin/English alphabets and numbers, an encoding called ASCII. IDN allows for the use of non ASCII characters in domain names. When an IDN is registered, the foreign characters are encoded in Punycode using a number of algorithms. Punycode is simply an ASCII version for the IDN, allowing it to resolve with the current internet system.
Punycode domains can be identified by the “xn-” beginning.
2 Email Accounts with 100 MB Storage Space for each account.
Email Forwarding Service.
Domain/URL Forwarding Service.
Free DNS Management Service.
Domain Theft Protection.
Secure and Easy to use Control Panel to manage above services as well Name Servers etc.